How to Choose Colour scheme for your Business Website?

What is a Business Website?

A business website serves a space or platform that provides general information about your company or a direct platform for e-commerce.

What is the Purpose of Business Website?

In the digital era where every second consumer is using online to get the information about their goods and services, it is important for companies to have their website of their own. The main purpose of the business website is to inform the target audience about your offerings, your mission, vision, experience and how your products/services stay ahead in the race.

Why it is Important to hire a Professional to Design a Business Website?

It is very important to hire a professional Website Designing Company in India and develop your business website. It is so because a professional designer will know about the ins and outs of the website development process and techniques. They know the colours scheme that suits best for your business, graphics to be used and the content that needs to be written.

How to Choose the Colour Scheme for your Business Website?

Whether you are building you new site or rethinking of revamping your existing business website, it is important your website designer choose the right colour scheme. After all, colour is a massive aspect of branding. The colour epitomizes the feeling or character of your business. For instance orange colour implies fun and friendly, blue is reliability, green suggests freshness and nature while the black indicates elegance and luxury.

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1. Choose a Primary Colour: The best way to decide on a primary colour is to think about the vibe of your product or service, and peruse colours that fit that vibe to find one you like. Here are some of the examples

a. Red – implies happiness or excitement

b. Orange- implies fun time or friendly

c. Yellow- implies happiness

d. Green- freshness or nature

e. Purple- distinguished brand with history of quality

f. Brown- reliable product

g. White- sleek, user-friendly products

h. Black- elegance and luxury

If you have a coloured logo your designer will have a primary colour that goes well with your existing branding.

2. Choose the Added Colours: Once your designer has primary colours in their mind, they will choose other colours that you will be using. A good starting point is to consider colour compliments. Every colour has a counterpart that makes it stand out and these are known as colour compliments. For instance a red circle on a green background stands out more than a blue circle on a green background. Professional designers try only two colours on top of your primary colour.

3. Choose the Colour Background: This is the key choice to make as the background of your website is theoretically going to take up more space than any colour. But it is easy choice to make as it really boils down to two options. Your designer might opt for the muted version of your primary colour in order to solidify your branding. This will need a white or grey overlay on the background for the text to show up. Also, they could have just the whole website be an off-white colour which is more a common choice most professional business website designers make.

4. Choose a Typeface Colour: The final step is to choose a typeface colour. They reserve explicitly coloured typeface colours for links and for key bit of information they use gray-tinted colour to give your business website a softer, more inviting look and appeal.

Tips Professional Website designers follow when Choosing Website Colours

1. Use Consistent Saturation: One thing they do to strengthen your brand is to use various colours with a same saturation. Saturation is another way of saying a colour’s brightness.

2. Use same Colour with Vary Saturation: When a brand has a strong connection with a certain colour they might not want to branch too far from it. However, everything in a single colour can become a bit stale, so most designers take primary colour and play with the saturation a bit.

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